Thursday, 1 January 2015

Blood Diamonds

While looking at a diamond one  is captivated by its charm, its brilliance and its sparkle. The wearer  is often mesmerised by the perfection of the facets and the fire of a diamond, but the picture is not always so beautiful.  In some parts of the world diamonds are used to finance wars and illegal operations. These diamonds are often termed as blood diamonds or conflict diamonds.

The United Nations define blood diamonds as-" Diamonds that originate from areas controlled by forces or factions opposed to legitimate and internationally recognised governments, and are used to fund military action in opposition to those governments, or in contravention of the decisions of the Security Council. "

The illegitimate sale of conflict diamonds has produced millions of dollars to fund civil wars if African countries like Angola, Democratic Republic of Congo, Sierra Leone and Liberia. The concept of conflict diamonds started taking shape years ago in African countries when certain traders discovered that they could earn huge profits by smuggling them out of the country. This gave rise to illegal mining and selling of diamonds. Eventually, the trade of conflict diamonds flourished and the governments of the respective nations failed to police these illegal operations.

Sierra Leone is one country which witnessed one of the most brutal wars in the history of mankind. Soon after Sierra Leone gained independence from Great Britain in 1961, smuggling of diamonds was a serious concern. The government here turned out to be corrupt and it encouraged illicit trade. In 1991 a rebel group called the Revolutionary United Front ( a group of rebels from Sierra Leone and Liberia) attacked eastern parts of the nation. These attacks were carried out in order to gain total control of the diamond mines and overthrow the existing government. The civil war here lasted for nine years and the war was funded by exchanging diamonds for weapons. A peace treaty was signed by the RUF with the government but rebel groups still continue to terrorise this country. However, this civil war devastated Sierra Leone. Poor economy and  social instability, left the country torn apart. The RUF has committed unjustifiable crimes like amputation and mutilation, sexually assaulted women, murders etc.



Similarly after Angola gained independence from Portugal, a civil war broke out between two prominent political parties of the country. Reason being the same , whoever controls the diamond mines, controls the nation. Likewise, Zimbabwe has also been stained with the bloods of many to carry on the smuggling of Marange diamonds which is capable of producing 40 million carats of diamonds every year.  The authorities captured the diamond producing areas and they make the miners work under inhuman conditions.

According to a speculation, a lot of these diamonds from Zimbabwe and other African countries are sent to the diamond cutting and polishing hub of India, Surat. Due to availability of cheap labour and not - so - strict regulations these diamonds easily flow into the Indian market. And from India to other countries like US and Canada. Once they step into the Indian market it is very difficult to trace their origin. Antwerp, which is the world leader in cutting and polishing of diamonds has maintained strict regulations on the flow of these tainted diamonds and hence it helps in controlling the movement of these diamonds.

In the context of blood diamonds it has been rightly said that, diamonds resources are usually a boon for any country but, for these African countries they have proved out to be their biggest curse.

However, the United Nations, De Beers, Diamond Council and various human rights organisations are taking up measures to control the movement conflict diamonds. The most concrete step taken in this direction is the Kimberley Certification Scheme which was launched by De Beers in the year 2003. Under this scheme the rough diamonds have to be a accompanied with a certificate of origin. These rough diamonds should not be  funding any illegitimate operations against a UN recognised government and diamonds cannot be exported to or imported from a non member of the scheme. This prevents blood diamonds from entering the conventional rough diamond market. Besides this, it also prevents the buyer from unknowingly funding an illicit operation and encouraging inhumane activities.



As a consumer, one can always ask for a certificate of origin from the seller to ensure that diamonds purchased are from conflict free areas. A genuine certificate of origin is what helps one to differentiate between a conflict diamond and legitimate diamond.


Diamonds symbolise eternal love,  they should not be tainted with  the blood of innocent people. Hence, one should make sure that diamonds being bought are responsibly sourced so that directly or indirectly we are not funding any violent operations.